Just for Kids

Have kids? No worries, we've got you covered. St. James has opportunities for children to learn, grow, play, worship and serve. Check out the opportunities below....



Sunday school is held following worship at 10:15am. While most classes meet in person, an online option is available for some grade levels. Click the image above to learn more. 

Children are invited to assist during worship in many ways. Click the image above to learn more. 


The Youth Group at St. James meets at various times throughout the year. Reach out to Preethy Jayant for details! 

Bear Creek Camp

Bear Creek Camp’s overnight program is centered on spiritual growth, outdoor living, and small group development for all children who have completed grades 1-12. St. James offers $100 scholarship for students attending a week of camp. Contact Laurie Mobley for more scholarship info. Click the image to learn more about camp. 

Vacation Bible School

Every Summer St. James plans a week of fun and learning about God during Vacation Bible School. Many volunteers work to prepare this event for the church and community children. Click the image above to learn more.