The ministries of St. James grow and thrive through the generosity of our members. Every contribution to St. James, monetary or otherwise, makes an impact in the life of our church, our community and the world as we work to communicate God's transformative love. We invite you to explore the rest of this website to learn the many ways that St. James puts faith into action!
There are many ways you can give to St. James You can share your time by greeting visitors on Sunday mornings, serving at the soup kitchen or cooking for a fellowship event. You can share your passions and skills by teaching Sunday school, participating in a service project or singing in the choir. Financial gifts are a third way to contribute, and they make a difference to all the church's ministries.
St. James is grateful for all those who support our church. There are several ways to give to the church. You can place your offering in the plate on Sunday morning or use one of the available online giving methods. Online giving allows you to make contributions to St. James without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. You may use the following links for regular giving as well as for one time donations to special causes.
You may use this form to confidentially submit your pledge to the church treasurer.