Visiting a church for the first time can be stressful and confusing. We understand. Here are some of the questions that you might have....
Have questions? We have the answers!
St. James is visible from Route 309, the address is 333 East Oxford Street and our parking lot entrance is on South 5th Street. How is that for confusing? On Sundays, you can park on Oxford Street, follow the sidewalk to the steps and enter the double doors. You can park in the parking lot which has designated handicapped parkings spots and a sidewalk ramp. There is additional parking available on the surrounding streets. From the parking lot there is another set of double doors to enter the church building. Both sets of doors put you in the same place inside the church lobby.
You will see people dressed in many ways at St. James. Some people worship in jeans and T-shirts while others wear their best Sunday suit and everything in between. We invite you to dress however you feel most comfortable.
Worship at St. James is both traditional and relaxed. We sing a variety of music that may be accompanied by the piano, organ or even guitar within an order of worship shaped by our Lutheran history. Services may also include a choir, a skit or special presentation as we share our varied gifts and talents as part of worship.
Holy Communion is celebrated at each worship service. We believe that Christ is present in the bread and wine. Those who are baptized are welcome to receive Communion. Children who have not had First Communion instruction are invited to come forward for a blessing.
Gluten-free wafers and grape juice are both available to those who may have an intolerance to the bread and wine. As you approach the altar for Communion, pick up an empty cup for wine or a pre-filled cup for grape juice. When you receive Communion, raise your hands towards the Pastor to receive the bread and the cup toward the Assisting Minister to receive the wine.
Yes! You will often see (and hear) babies and children during our worship services as they are an essential part of the life of our church. Being present in worship, children are shaped by the things we say and do preparing them for a lifetime of faith. If the noise of your child is bothering you, there is a nursery down the hallway past the water fountains. You are welcome to take your child there to wiggle around while you can still listen to the worship service.
Click here to learn more about our YES! program that involves children in our worship services!
Looking for more information? You can find more information all throughout our website and if you do not find what you are looking for, please call or email the church office at (610) 282-3290 or email us at